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g4g and Generation Code @European Parliament

  • European Parliament Brussels Belgium (map)

On October 8…

Join us for a unique event where science, technology, and STEM resources come to life at the European Parliament with Generation Code!

We are thrilled to be working together with Public Libraries 2030: Reading and Writing Foundation and inviting 20 girls aged 11-15 for an afternoon of showcasing amazing technology.

Girls will have the opportunity to delve into cutting-edge technology, meet with local officials, and have an insider's look around the Parliament building!

Our afternoon event is part of EU Code Week where there will be opportunities to discover technology fresh from the EU libraries at the European Parliament!

This is a free afternoon event that will be held in English. We ask that you be able to get to and from the event by personal means. Please note that registration will end on Sept. 26 ; make sure you grab your spot before!

This event is organized in partnership with…

Earlier Event: 4 October
g4g Day @Dublin with AIG
Later Event: 14 October
g4g Day @Cairo with Nokia