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g4g Broadcast - Connection with AIG

(Note: This broadcast will take place at 2 pm London time and 3pm Brussels time).

On April 6, 2022…

We are thrilled to be hosting an online episode of our very own Science, you had me at hello® in partnership with AIG. In this broadcast, we will be talking about CONNECTION. How do you build professional relationships and what does that look like?

Connection is important at all stages of your careers. It helps to build good communication, hone soft skills, and be a part of your community. Our diverse team of STEM role models will share their experiences of building meaningful professional relationships and forging new paths and ideas in their STEM careers. This broadcast will explore professional relationship-building and help you learn how to utilize it to move forward in your future STEM careers.

And stay tuned for our experiment but make sure to bring a pen and paper with you! All are welcome though this broadcast is aimed at university freshman or late high school students.

Meet our speakers!

Meet Eva! She is a Policy Adviser at COP26 -UN Climate Change Conference. Trained in Climate Change Diplomacy Training and Mental Health First AID, Eva speaks three languages - English, French and Italian. We can't wait to hear from her in our broadcast. 

Meet Valarmathy! She is a Material Polymer Scientist who helps develop adhesives at Ashland Inc. Valarmathy dedicates her time developing and formulating properties of materials. She also speaks three languages! That's incredible! We can't wait to hear from her in our broadcast. 

Meet Nishat! She is a Senior Researcher at Rise Research Institutes of Sweden AB. She specializes in heterogeneous machine learning techniques. An optimist and a hard worker, Nishat takes interest in the application of innovative machine learning models, algorithms and its future challenges. We are excited to have her in our broadcast. 

Meet our speaker Patricia! She is a Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst at AIG. How cool is that! At her job, Patricia meets with sources to identify new and emerging threats relevant to the company and analyzes them to understand their potential impact. We can't wait to hear from her in our broadcast, Connection.

Meet our speaker Justine! She is a Senior Security Engineer at AIG. Justine designs and performs tests to understand the current risk to the firm. She is creative and adventurous and we are excited to have her in our broadcast, Connection!

What: Our 21st broadcast episode will gather inspiring STEM role models who are excited to share their stories, their inspiration, their wishes with the attendees.

When: 6 April, 2:00pm London/3:00pm CET. Our broadcast will last for 45 minutes.

Where: This live broadcast will take place on the platform Zoom. Please be reassured that we are utilizing Zoom’s safety functions and that we will be monitoring online safety during the broadcast by having a Safety Officer as part of our dedicated behind-the-scenes team.

Why: From our own Impact studies, we know that one thing is key to inspiring girls to pursue STEM subjects – and that is, to provide a community of role models. Tailored to our older g4g students who are determining what studies to pursue in university, our broadcasts “Science, you had me at hello® connect female scientists and STEM leaders to the next generation of potential engineers, scientists and curiosity-filled young women. They are designed to encourage you to think about what inspires you, to begin to contemplate your purpose and to create some ideas on how you can get there.

This event is organized in partnership with…