greenlight for girls on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

MARCH 18, 2020 - As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to rapidly evolve, greenlight for girls (g4g) has been proactively taking steps to support our greenlight girls, our global workforce and our supporters, as well as the communities where we live and work.

For the present time, all our remaining g4g events will be scheduled later this year when it would be possible to hold on-site events in various global locations.  We are working with our partners to create our next events and to adhere to the global health developments.  We will regularly update our website with the latest news.

We are all working virtually at the present time – and while we do, we continue to create new offerings and to prepare for all the activities that we have in the works.  So, be ready to hear all about it! 

Here are a few areas that we are developing:

-         As you know, we love to create new workshops and embed new ideas into our existing ones.  We are creating ideas to help educate about how viruses are spread, about how bacteria work – and to demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of good hygiene.

-         As many of our g4g students around the world are spending their days at home instead of schools, we want to do everything we can to support them, their families & caretakers and their teachers.  We are creating on-line resources and STEM activities that they can do at home, in the joyful and hands-on spirit that g4g is known for.

-         We are also developing new activities to help spread our g4g learning far and wide – and of course, this opportunity to be virtual provides the greatest backdrop to do so.  Be on the lookout for events, classes and even more g4g resources ahead.

We know that this crisis may be scary, but we also know that science and technology are our best allies today to overcome this challenge. Our priority is the health and well-being of all. We can’t wait to see you all very soon, and meanwhile, we (safely) wave from afar.