August at g4g : new experiments, events planning, a wonderful g4g Day in Canberra and an incredibly fun STEM Summer Camp in Brussels!

Well, considering the fact that it is now Sept. 12, it’s safe to say that we are all, officially back to school at greenlight for girls! After a rich summer, full of new experiments, events planning and amazing meetings, we are now ready to tackle a crazy and highly exciting Fall. In September alone, we will be in five different countries to meet more than 500 girls. But wait a minute, “What happened in August” you may ask?

After traveling the world for some deserved down time (how odd it is to catch a flight without a suitcase full or bristlebot kits and test tubes!) we hosted our fourth g4g Day @Canberra on August 17, with amazing numerous partners. 150 girls joined us, got inspired by wonderful speakers such as Madeline Mitchell, and discovered interactive and hands-on workshops around STEM.

A few examples? Team Dr Iona Novak learnt about programming skills, Team Dr Yanni Chin figured out Nature's code with the Fibonacci sequence, Team Professor Jennie Mallela had a blast whilst discovering finger prints and forensics, Team Professor Asha Rao measured time making their own sand clocks, Team Dr Steph McLennan had fun with static electricity, neutrons, protons and electrons Team Dr Devika Kamath flied helicopters, Team Dr Kudzai Kanhutu designed extra strong towers, Team Dr Onisha Patel experienced with plasma balls, Team Dr Muneera Bano built robots, Team Dr Madeline Mitchell discovered cryptography and physical security... and ALL of them had a blast!

Thank you to all our amazing partners, sponsors and friends, and see you next year! Girl Guides NSW & ACT, Questacon, Engineering & Computing at ANU, Royal Australian Navy, Geoscience Australia, Engineers Australia, Robogals, Kids SecuriDay, Girls Programming Network Australia


Then, between August 26 and 30, we hosted our second STEM Summer Camp with the Muntpunt library, in Brussels. For a week, girls and boys aged 9-14 had the chance to go through a variety of activities on all aspects of STEM.

On Monday, the kids were facing two engineering challenges : Building the highest and strongest structures possible and throw an egg from a second story without breaking it. A fun way to learn all about forces and engineering secrets!

On Tuesday, we awoke their senses thanks to chemistry; after crafting yummy polymer worms with honey, ketchup and sodium alginate, they had a fun relaxing session while crafting their own bath bombs.

On Wednesday, kids got to become programmers for a day as they learnt about AR, VR and coding while creating their own VR world!

Thursday, we dived into biology by extracting (and seeing!) some of our own DNA cells and discovered the importance of biodiversity while making our own seed bombs.

Finally, on Friday, we were incredibly lucky to spend the day with Zora the robot and learn everything there is to know about facial recognition.

A huge thank you to everyone at Muntpunt library for working with us on such an exciting program!

And… Buckle up g4g friends, in September we are organizing five events in five different countries
with three different partners and will meet with more than 500 g4g girls!

We’ll see you very soon!