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Recipes for success – Creating the world’s best cookie
In this activity, Team 5 Gal's Cookies and Code takes a look at the science and technology behind the development of an innovative new product
#ProductDevelopment #Teamwork #ProblemSolving #CriticalThinking #HR #UserExperienceDesign #marketing #SweetScience
Laser Turret experiment
In this workshop, Team Sammie and the Cooke's takes a look at the science and technology behind creating a remote control laser turret.
#Robotics #Lasers #SoftwareHardware interaction #Engineering #Coding #Automation #Sensors
The physics & energy of boosting performances
In this activity, Team Pit Crew takes a look at the science behind performance reviews using physics.
#PerformanceReviews #EnergyConversion #KineticEnergy #Physics #HR #getinthezone