On August 18, 2018...
We were thrilled to be back for the THIRD year in a row in Canberra, Australia!
Working together with Girl Guides Australia, and in celebration of National Science Week, we hosted our 3rd annual g4g Day @Canberra and invited 160 girls aged 10-16 to the impressive Melrose High School's ACE SEC, our science-loving venue!
The girls got busy with a full day of hands-on science and technology discovery – from programming your own robotics and diving into physics, to cyber gaming and even tasting homemade molecular chemistry!
Read the article about the event here ; http://bit.ly/2OtrPP7
#g4gDayCanberra #g4g #AnythingIsPossible #GirlsinSTEM
Where. When. What?!
Where? Melrose High School, ACE Science Education Center (SEC)
When? Saturday, 18 August 2018; 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
What? Welcoming 160 girls aged 10-16 from local schools to come and join us for a g4g Day event filled with interactive and hands-on fun in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
How? We invite role model professionals to lead 45 minute workshops that demonstrates the link to STEM; 10 - 12 girls in one workshop; and a chance to experience 4 workshops throughout the day.
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Meet the Team!
Region Outdoor Activities Consultant, Girl Guides NSW & ACT
Founder & Manager, ACE Science Education Centre at Melrose HS
g4g Canberra Team, Girl Guides NSW & ACT
Operations Manager,
greenlight for girls
Take a peek into our previous events!
On August 18, g4g got to work together with Girl Guides Australia for the third year in a row, celebrating National Science Week with a signature g4g Day. 160 girls aged 10 – 16 from local schools joined us at the amazing Melrose High School's ACE SEC. Thanks to the amazing 30 volunteers who came up for the event and all the dedication of our amazing partners, the girls got to experience a variety of interactive workshops led by professional role models, including programming their own robotics, diving into cyber gaming and even funky fungi!
Take a look at the photo album of the event here!
Working together with Girl Guides Australia, and in celebration of National Science Week, we hosted our 2nd annual g4g Day@Canberra and welcomed 150 girls aged 10-16 at the impressive Melrose High School's ACE SEC, our science-loving venue on August 12, 2017!
A full day of hands-on science and technology discovery awaited the girls – from learning about the phenomenon of light and the role it plays in the environment, to capturing celestial images with deep sky imaging software, to creating cool robotics and bristlebots, to even becoming biodiversity detectives with seeds and bees!
In a surprise science activity, the girls got to learn about small marsupials native to Australia and wildlife conservation… and meet a g4g VIP guest, a bettong!
Thank you to our wonderful team - especially our lead, Michelle - and looking forward to seeing you all next time, Canberra!
In August we hosted the first annual event in Canberra and it just so happened to be the very first g4g event in Australia - our 6th continent! From designing prosthetic legs with Engineers Without Borders to discovering the science of waves through light & chocolate experiments and creating “gooey” non-Newtonian fluids, the girls had the opportunity to build skills and learn applications and opportunities in STEM fields.
In the words of one parent on twitter, “#g4gDayCanberra was a great experience for girls this #NatSciWk. {my daughter’s} favourite session: ‘making goo’. Thanks @green4girls!”