On a lovely Wednesday morning of June 26th , the greenlight for girls team composed of the founder Melissa Rancourt, the Global Coordinator Nevena Kostic and our two new interns Jeff and Siqi headed over to the International School of Brussels for a special meeting with Director Kevin Bartlett and his team who warmly welcomed us with coffee and pastries.
ISB team and g4g Team at the school
The purpose of this gathering was to sign a Global Partnership agreement between g4g and ISB with the purpose of supporting each other for our mutual missions and objectives. We are particularly excited about this partnership as ISB was the first school who put trust in us in 2011 and allowed us to take over their school one Saturday to show girls what science is about and how fun it really is!
“Our very first event was on the ISB campus in which 200 girls from all over Brussels and nearby cities came together to have a fun‐filled day of science workshops. The success of the day was due to ISB’s amazing support, encouragement and beautiful environment. This gave us the confidence to create our events world‐wide.” said Melissa Rancourt at the ceremony. In three years greenlight for girls has grown at a rapid rate and now covers almost every continent and we are still expanding to new countries each year! Therefore, we thank ISB for placing their trust in us and giving us the confidence to more further.
Kevin Bartlett also said at the ceremony that “the partnership with greenlight for girls is a really important one for us. We choose our partners carefully, and only work with those who share our beliefs and values. In this case, it’s a perfect fit." and it is a perfect fit for us too we reply. Thank you ISB and we are looking forward to a long and successful partnership.
For the full Press Release of the ceremony please follow the link.
The ceremony also gave us the change to announce that the next greenlight for girls day in Brussels will be held on November 16th at ISB, so mark this date in your calendars and look out soon for the registration information.
If you would like to be the first to sign up then we have a special early bird registrationion at our Summer Science Social on July 7th at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, all event details can be found here and the girls will also have a chance to create their own workshop and give their own ideas on what kind of workshops they would like to attend at the g4g day this year! The event is free and tickets for activities can be purchased at the venue but please make sure to register.