29/11/14 - g4gDay @Brussels: Science event for girls in Brussels is a record year
31/10/14 - g4g launches in New York & sets the example for inspiring science learning in the classroom
13/09/14- greenlight for girls holds its very first event in the Middle East region: Amman, Jordan!
12/02/14 - greenlight for girls is now working with ASML Foundation to launch g4g activities in two new countries in 2014.
26/06/13 - Global Partnership sets forth between the International School of Brussels and greenlight for girls
01/04/13 - g4g Day - SouthCoast "Giving girls a green light for science and technology"
25/03/13 - g4g "Anything is Possible" Press Release
24/11/12 - g4g@ESMOL 2012 Press Release
24/10/11 - Greenlight for girls – Journée de la science pour les filles à Kinshasa Donnons aux filles le feu vert pour la science et la technologie!